The needs of Change in Job Interview: Compassionate Assessment and Interview
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Published: 25 April 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
Recruiting the right talent into an organisation has become more challenging because humans have become more complex in terms of their cognitive, affective and behaviour. When it comes to choosing the right candidate, many interview techniques have been used previously but it can only be described as much as flipping a coin. All these limitations in interview techniques contribute to the needs to identify a more holistic way to choose the right candidate. This research is conducted through literature review to build a model that can help to recruit the right candidates at the workplace. From the literature review, a new conceptual framework is developed that focused on the compassionate element during the interview that would take place. This method helps to overcome the impromptu situation when a candidate attends an interview session. The fundamentals of the compassionate assessment and interview include truthfulness (Siddiq), trustworthiness (Amanah), speak the advocacy (Tabligh) and wisdom (Fathanah).
Keywords: Interview, recruitment, compassionate, talent management, human resource management, employees.

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How to Cite
Ambrin Buang, Leow Chee Seng, Vincent Leong Wing Sum. (2018-04-25). "The needs of Change in Job Interview: Compassionate Assessment and Interview." *Volume 1*, 1, 30-37